This is the Sacred Shrine of the Bois,

The Quails

The Journey of the warrior Quails

Unlike Chickadee, I did not hatch these chicks. I got them from some other people who had too many of them. These quails did not follow me like how Chickadee did and they usually hung around themselves. One of the sad things is that one of them died. May that man rest in peace.

    Some fun facts about the Quails..!

  1. They are not as active
  2. These guys were not as active as Chickadee was. Like how I had stated before, they also did not follow me around. They did not move as much. They mostly just liked to hang around under the heat lamp..

  3. They are a lot more fragile
  4. This is not a very interesting fact, but I believe it is becayse they are smaller and have less body mass. When they grow up they can also actually fly, unlike roosters and chickens.

  5. The ones that survived are long gone.
  6. For the quails that survived, I gave them to my friend because they were too much work to take care of. After I gave then to him, they supposidly flew away, never to be seen again :'( I will miss them.

Here is a picture of the bois :DDD